This post is another in the “One Recipe” series in which, in between destination visits, I am sharing recipes featuring previous Local Choice ingredients.

Ice cream is a seasonless dessert. It doesn’t have to be a scorching hot day in the middle of summer for me to scarf down a pint of Ben & Jerry’s and just thinking about the endless array of flavor possibilities sends me into a sugar coma. But something about homemade ice cream transforms it into a totally different beast. When you can pronounce all of the ingredients and take the time to make it from scratch, your end result tastes even dreamier. Admittedly, I have eaten my homemade ice cream for breakfast, and before you judge I dare you to start making your own. Brace yourself because this recipe does require equipment, and before you pass by this recipe and never think of it again, know that my ice cream machine was the best present a girl could get (hint, hint)!
This recipe combines fresh Snowville Creamery half & half with bold Backroom Coffee Roasters espresso and plenty of rich O’Chocolate Espresso bar chunks. I scream, you scream…
Click on the recipe card to print your copy:

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